Palm wine is a local favorite in the village. Beer is the favorite in town next to Fanta, Coke etc. There is also a local red wine SOVINCO imported from Gabon and the "brique", a liter of imported, mostly Spanish wine from the box.
There is a big price range on beer 500 to 5,000 CFA depending on what neighborhood and type of bar/restaurant you're at.
Produced in Congo under Heineken supervision:N'Gok meaning "Crocodile", blond, Congolese,Primus blond, Belgium, Central Africa,Mütsig blond, French Alsace Region,Guinness dark, Ireland,and Turbo King dark, Central Africa
Imported:Heineken andBavaria
If the above is too much there is also water of various local and imported brands sold in 1.5 litre plastic bottles.